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IPMG Statement: UN Human Rights Council Intersessional meeting for Dialogue and Cooperation

UN Human Rights Council

Intersessional meeting for Dialogue and Cooperation on Human Rights and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development


“Human Rights and the 2030 Agenda: Empowering people and ensuring inclusiveness and equality”

January 16, Palais des Nations, Geneve, Switzerland


Statement of the Indigenous Peoples Major Group for Sustainable Development (IPMG)

Presented by Joan Carling, co-convenor of the IPMG


The Indigenous Peoples’ Major Group for Sustainable Development wish to highlight the continuing huge gap in the recognition, protection and realization of the collective rights of Indigenous peoples affirmed by the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) and other International Human Rights Instruments in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. We are NOT only being left behind but are being pushed behind with the continuing violation of our rights, particularly to our land  rights through wide spread land and resources expropriation  and destruction of our territories resulting to never-ending conflicts; the criminalization of our  traditional occupations and sustainable livelihood, vilification,  arrest and extra judicial killing  of indigenous land and environment defenders, among others.  These alarming  violations are taking place with impunity in many countries, undermining  our critical role and contributions in the conservation and enhancement of the world’s biodiversity, sustainable food production and management of resources which are all critical in achieving the SDGs.  Likewise, indigenous peoples continue to experience  systemic discrimination and marginalization  in relation to access to justice,  appropriate health services, quality education, employment, and other social services.

Building the  synergies between human rights and SDG implementation requires the effective participation and inclusion  of rights-holders as decision-makers and development actors particularly those left behind— the indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, women,  children, poor farmers and workers, LGBTIQ; to be underpinned by the legal recognition and protection of their rights;  addressing their specific condition, needs and wellbeing through targeted programmes; and enhancing their vital roles and contributions to sustainable development. It requires political will and coherent actions in implementing the human rights obligations and commitments of States-- from the development and effective implementation  of national policies, to effective participatory planning, implementation and monitoring mechanisms;  resource mobilization and budget allocation; and the  establishment of effective accountability and access to justice mechanisms from the  local to global levels. Concerted and transformational  actions to uphold human rights  and to eliminate  systemic barriers  to achieve accountability, democracy, equality,  non- discrimination, climate and social justice are urgently needed in realizing sustainable development for all.  

Indigenous peoples shall continue to  promote and defend our rights and are committed to partnerships at all levels in advancing human rights in the 2030 Agenda.


documento SITUATION OF THE RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS WOMEN IN NEPAL Shadow Report for the Sixth Periodic Report of Nepal CEDAW/c/NPL/6 Popular

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SITUATION OF THE RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS WOMEN IN NEPAL Shadow Report for the Sixth Periodic Report of Nepal CEDAW/c/NPL/6



  1. Nepal is a multi-ethnic, multi-lingual, multi-religious, and multi-cultural country.[1]The total population of Nepal is estimated to be 26,494,504, with females comprising 51.50% of the total population, and Indigenous women comprise 17.9% of the total population.The Census of 2011 has identified 125 caste/ethnic,           and 123 languagegroups.[2] Indigenous Peoples (IPs) comprise 35.8% of the total population. Nepal has legally recognized 59 IPs, referred to as Adivasi Janajati.
  2. We Indigenous women suffer multiple discriminations based on theirracial/caste/ethnic, gender identity and disability. We are disproportionately excluded from social services provide by the State.As a result, Indigenous women are leading a movement on multiple fronts: (a) as a part of IPs’ movement, Indigenous women are fighting for rights to self-determination,ownership and control over lands, territories and access to resources, customary laws and institutions, collective rights, right to cultural and distinctive identity, and to Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC); (b) within the IPs movement, Indigenous women are fighting for gender equity and equality among Indigenous women and men, and Indigenous girls and boys, and (c) within the women's movement, Indigenous women are fighting for gender equity, collective rights, to end gender discrimination, and for recognition of diversity among women.

[1]Preamble, the Constitution of Nepal, 2015.

[2] CBS (2012) National Population and Housing Census 2011: National Report, Volume 01, Kathmandu: CBS, Government of Nepal.

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