Argentina's indigenous Wichi community fights eviction

“In Argentina, there are more than 1,500 land disputes and many have ended in violence and deaths.

In the Southern Patagonia area, a group of members of the Mapuche indigenous community, have taken over land owned by the international clothing brand Benetton.

Clashes in August with the border patrol police ended in the death of an activist that was supporting the cause.

The government of Mauricio Macri says it is trying to continue mapping indigenous communities around the country because until now the process has been very slow.

It is complex because it involves negotiations between the federal and local government but also with private individuals who claim the land was purchased legitimately.

But in some cases, like in Campo del 20, the local organisations say the papers have been forged and that the land belongs to the Wichis.

"Areas like Formosa are feudal," said Pablo Chianetta, who is part of the Association for the development of culture and development.”

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This initiative is being implemented with funding by the European Union.


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