Hydropower projects impacts on Sunuwar indigenous peoples

Sunuwar Indigenous communities have been impacted by an interrupted river flow from the hydropower projects, causing negative long-term effects such as increased chances of landslides as their territory is on sloping lands, displacement of thousands of Sunuwar who live along project areas and inability to have traditional practices such as culture fishing.

Source: Cultural Survival

Connect with us

IPMG Organizing Partners

1 Roman Ayson Road, Baguio City 2600, Philippines
Tel. No. +63 74 444-7703 / Tex Fax +63 74 443-9459
Website: www.tebtebba.org
Email: tebtebba@tebtebba.org

International Indian Treaty Council
2940 16th Street, Suite 305, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA
Website: www.iitc.org
Email: info@treatycouncil.org

This initiative is being implemented with funding by the European Union.


Indigenous Peoples Major Group for Sustainable Development © Copyright 2025.
