‘Indigenous Navigator’ offers new way to monitor Indigenous Rights Worldwide

“Monitoring Indigenous Peoples’ rights around the world may have just gotten a bit easier, thanks to a new tool called the Indigenous Navigator.

The Navigator is an interactive watchdog that allows users to keep track of the implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), outcomes from the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples, and key elements of the Sustainable Development Goals — more than one-third of which are related to UNDRIP.

Local communities respond to a questionnaire either via the website or through a downloadable paper version. The information is then processed through  a globally accessible system that allows users to make a variety of comparisons with both international and national laws.

The questionnaire — made for both states and local communities — includes information about sectors such as health and education, and prompts communities to consider not only the presence of such services, but also whether their languages and traditional methods of healing are integrated and fully accessible.”

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Article Source: intercontinentalcry.org

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IPMG Organizing Partners

1 Roman Ayson Road, Baguio City 2600, Philippines
Tel. No. +63 74 444-7703 / Tex Fax +63 74 443-9459
Website: www.tebtebba.org
Email: tebtebba@tebtebba.org

International Indian Treaty Council
2940 16th Street, Suite 305, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA
Website: www.iitc.org
Email: info@treatycouncil.org

This initiative is being implemented with funding by the European Union.


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