Final Declaration of Indigenous Peoples

13th United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights
 November 25-27, 2024

We, the Indigenous Peoples Caucus, listen carefully and actively highlight the issues at this forum, raising our voices against systemic violations of Indigenous rights and our territories. Our communities and defenders, torture, murder, sexual harassment, use of force, displacement, criminalization and prosecution for safeguarding the lands, territories and livelihoods, like our mother nature that have sustained humanity for generations. The solutions to the climate crisis proposed by States are new forms of exploitation that perpetuate an extractive economic model that has failed to advance equitable human development.

Voluntary measures have failed us, as they have not been complied with. The time has come to adopt mandatory measures. As Indigenous Peoples, we generate the conditions for dignified living conditions for future generations. We call on States and corporations to adopt this long-term vision in the face of a predatory and destructive economic model.

We demand:

  • Respect and implementation of the rights of Indigenous Peoples, including the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) and related standards, guaranteeing Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) based on our peoples’ own governance and the right to say no;
  • End the criminalization and murder of Indigenous Peoples, urgently enact specific laws to protect and respect the human, territorial and environmental rights defenders of Indigenous Peoples, both women and men, who are on the front lines of the defense of life;
  • Justice and accountability for the human rights violations that have been perpetrated against environmental, human rights and Indigenous territorial defenders around the world, with special attention to Indigenous defenders who suffer violence and reprisals;
  • A genuine Just Transition that puts an end to exploitative, extractive, land grabbing and destructive practices disguised as climate action and social justice. Indigenous Peoples defenders of life are not willing to cede our rights to our ancestral lands and continue to offer life in the name of a false transition;
  • Legally binding measures to ensure corporate accountability and the inclusion of Indigenous voices and full and effective participation in all decisions affecting our territories;
  • Human rights due diligence, implementation through respect for the rights of Indigenous Peoples.

There is hope. Indigenous-led initiatives, rooted in our values, worldview and wisdom, and guided by the principles of the right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) and equitable collaboration, demonstrate that sustainable solutions are possible. When States and corporations respect Indigenous governance, our rights and decision-making processes, just and equitable outcomes for the world are possible. Scaling up these practices is essential to move towards a truly just transition.

Thank you.


Read and download the declaration at AIPP's website.

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IPMG Organizing Partners

1 Roman Ayson Road, Baguio City 2600, Philippines
Tel. No. +63 74 444-7703 / Tex Fax +63 74 443-9459

International Indian Treaty Council
2940 16th Street, Suite 305, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA

This initiative is being implemented with funding by the European Union.


Indigenous Peoples Major Group for Sustainable Development © Copyright 2025.
