ANWR: The Sacred Place Where Oil Drilling Begins, If the US Senate Gets Its Way

“Earlier this month, the US Senate took its first step towards authorizing oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). The move came in the form of a provision within a budget resolution for the period 2018-2026, instructing the Department of Energy and Natural Resources to reduce its deficit by $1 billion.

The provision contained no explicit directives as to how the Department might achieve this goal, nor did it specifically mention oil exploration in ANWR. However, Senator Lisa Murkowski, the Chairman of the Department, clearly indicated that she already had a strategy in mind, stating; “This [instruction] provides an excellent opportunity for our committee to raise $1 billion in federal revenues while creating jobs and strengthening our nation’s long-term energy security. I am confident that our committee is prepared to meet the instruction….”

Murkowski has consistently advocated the opening of ANWR for oil exploration. Only in January of this year, she presented a bill to the Senate which provided for limited oil and natural gas development in the non-wilderness portion of the ANWR. Her comments at the time were revealing: “Alaskans overwhelmingly support responsible development in the non-wilderness portion of ANWR and there is no valid reason why we should not be allowed to proceed. Allowing development would create new jobs, reduce our deficits, and protect our national security and competitiveness for a generation.””

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