UN Climate Change Outlines Options to Address Challenges to Achieving SDG 5 in Climate-related Processes

“6 October 2017: In preparation for the UN Climate Change Conference, taking place in Bonn, Germany, from 6-17 November, UN Climate Change issued a technical paper titled, ‘Achieving the goal of gender balance’ (FCCC/TP/2017/8). The paper highlights key challenges to achieving gender-balanced representation and participation in climate-related processes, and outlines possible options to address these challenges.

The publication provides a summary of the key decisions by the Conference of the Parties (COP) that aim to address the issue of achieving gender balance and increase the representation and participation of women in climate-related processes and activities under the UNFCCC. It provides an analysis of international frameworks that, among other things, promote women’s rights to participation and representation in public life. Drawing on regional and national experiences, the paper provides examples of measures that have been successfully applied to address the challenge of achieving gender balance.

Please continue reading at article source.

Article Source: sdg.iisd.org 


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