The Decade of Family Farming 2019-2028 Officially Adopted by the United Nations General Assembly

“The IYFF +10 World Coordination Committee, leader of the campaign for the declaration of the International Year of Family Farming 2014 and the Decade now, is developing an Action Plan to be presented to FAO, IFAD and Governments.

20th December 2017, New York.- The United Nations General Assembly, in its 72nd Session, has officially adopted on December 20th, 2017, the Decade of Family Farming 2019-2028. This Decade aims to serve as a framework to promote better public policies on Family Farming, and offers a unique opportunity to contribute end hunger and poverty as well as to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Decade Resolution document, proposed in early October by a group of 14 countries lead by Costa Rica, was co-sponsored by 104 states and unanimously approved at the General Assembly plenary session. This is an evidence of the great interest the topic has raised in the countries.

The IYFF +10 World Coordination Committee (WCC) greets the resolution, which consolidates its demands and strengthens its commitment to keep working and supporting the development of new and better policies towards Family Farming in the countries and regions.  With this objective, the WCC has worked intensely to achieve the declaration of the Decade of Family Farming 2019-2028.

The World Coordination Committee (WCC), World Consultative Committee during the IYFF-2014, is nowadays formed by representatives from ROPPA, PAFO, INADES INTERNACIONAL, COPROFAM, RELACC, PDRR,  AFA, ASIADHRRA, SEWA, UPA, AFDI, NZYF, OXFAM, IFOAM Organics International, ACTION AID, and WRF, as well as the National Committees on Family Farming from Madagascar, Costa Rica and Nepal. The World Rural Forum (WRF) acts as Secretary of the WCC.”…(read more)

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