Puerto Rico: Human rights concerns mount in absence of adequate emergency response

“GENEVA (30 October 2017) - Puerto Rico remains without an effective emergency response more than a month after Hurricane Maria devastated the island, a group of UN human rights experts* has warned.

“The hurricane has aggravated the island’s existing dire situation caused by debt and austerity measures,” the experts noted, saying the situation remained “alarming” for the island’s 3.5 million residents in US territory.

“Thousands of people are displaced, with homes destroyed, and without any relief in sight. More than 80 per cent of the population, or close to 2.8 million people, continue to live without electricity. Few hospitals are functioning. There are allegations that the water available - for those who have access to it - may be contaminated.”

“With winter approaching, we call for a speedy and well-resourced emergency response that prioritizes the most vulnerable and at risk - children, older people, people with disabilities, women and homeless people.”

The UN’s Independent Expert on foreign debt and human rights, Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky, added: “Even before Hurricane Maria struck, Puerto Rico’s human rights were already being massively undermined by the economic and financial crisis and austerity policies, affecting the rights to health, food, education, housing, water and social security.”

The experts pointed out that nearly half the population of Puerto Rico were already living below the poverty line before Hurricane Maria struck.”

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Article Source: www.ohchr.org